Vacancy for Medical Non Executive Director on GP Care's Board
GP Care’s Board is made up of 6 members, 3 Non Executive Directors (NEDs), which includes the Chair and 3 Executive Directors. The bios of each of the Board Directors can be found here
Due to other commitments, our Medical NED, has decided to step down after serving more than two years on the board. The Medical NED who is a strong advocate of our community urology one stop model of service delivery is committed to continue to work for GP Care and is one of the consultants who undertakes work in our community clinics in both Gloucestershire and Swindon.
Two Board Directors have recently been appointed, Trish Jay a NED who is a retired nurse by background and has significant Director level experience in the NHS, independent and voluntary sector and Joy Milliken, our Executive Director of Service Delivery who recently joined us having been Clinical Director and Deputy Chief Executive at St Margaret’s Hospice, a charity based in Somerset.
The Information pack and Job description can be downloaded here
Click the links below to find out more information