what services do we provide?

The clinical services we have provided since our formation in 2006 have included urology, DVT, cardiology, ultrasound, gynaecology, audiology, hand surgery, minor surgery, physiotherapy, arrhythmia monitoring, and diabetes advice.

Our services are provided by multi-disciplinary teams, led by consultants or GPs with specialist skills and are designed to provide fast and efficient patient flow. The use of integrated technology and conveniently located clinical hubs facilitate a ‘one stop shop’ model.

We have a dedicated Patient Support team who have a thorough understanding of the service requirements and the referral pathway complexities to ensure patient access targets.

social enterprise status

We are a social enterprise. This means that providing a clear social benefit is core to our Mission, and that we invest a substantial percentage of any financial surplus we make into achieving social impact.

We are a member of Social Enterprise UK, the world’s largest social enterprise representative body.

We measure our social impact in terms of: 

  • The number of patients we see
  • The reduction in waiting lists
  • Reduced travel time and distance for patients
  • Patient satisfaction
  • Our investment in equipment and training to improve health care in the communities in which we operate
  • Increased utilisation of local health care facilities
  • The development of our health care professionals.

board of directors

The Director Team comprises Clinicians and Business Professionals.

financial accounts

qUALITY accounts

GP Care declares compliance against meeting risk management standards and has good systems and process for risk management in place as evidenced by internal and external audit opinion.


Modern slavery compliance statement

Modern slavery encompasses slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and domestic servitude all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain. Traffickers and slave masters use whatever means they have at their disposal to coerce, deceive and force individuals into a life of abuse, servitude and inhumane treatment. Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights.

Equal Opportunities

GP Care is committed to providing high quality services which are available to all and meet our responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 and the Human Rights Act. To demonstrate this GP Care has developed Equal Opportunities Objectives to ensure our patients, partners and our staff understand how we do things and how we will deliver our priorities. These objectives have been developed in line with relevant Joint Strategic Needs Assessments.