GP Care - Who we are

Established in 2006, GP Care was created to help provide quicker access to services for patients in the Community rather than having to wait to be seen in Hospital.  We have contracts with a number of Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) in the South West Region, and provide a service for Cardiff and Vale Unitary Health Board.  We currently provide community urology; DVT; private minor surgery and non obstetric ultrasound services, and have ambitions to replicate these services in other areas and develop service solutions for other specialties. 


We provide a continuum of services from clinician led advice and guidance, referral management triaging patients into the appropriate pathway, diagnostic tests, treatment services and patient follow up services across entire patient pathways. We act as a key enabler and integrator of care across the primary / secondary care interface ensuring that the pathways are seamless and delivered without delay.


All of our services are provided by multi-disciplinary teams, led by consultants or GPwERss and are designed to provide faster and more efficient patient flow.  Our clinics are provided in local GP practices, secondary care and community facilities, providing a convenient geographical spread of locations to our patients. The use of integrated technology and local conveniently located clinical hubs facilitate a ‘one stop shop’ model. All of our services are supported by a dedicated administration team who have a thorough understanding of the service requirements and the referral pathway complexities.

We are an award winning organisation for our innovative patient pathways and consistently achieve great outcomes for our patients and excellent levels of patient satisfaction.  Our Quality Account for 2022-23 emphasises that high quality service delivery lies at the heart of what we do, and our host ICB commenting on the document said that it’s remarkable how much has been achieved within a year.

We are a social enterprise, using a private company limited by shares legal structure. We have approximately 200 shareholders in total, who are predominately retired GPs and practice staff and some of our own employees, and their initial investment aimed to deliver social benefit and that still drives our work now.


GP Care has a budgeted turnover of £3.8m for this financial year, the majority of which relates to work on NHS contracts. We plan to at least break-even each year and have a strong cash balance. Any financial surplus at the end of the year can be reinvested in the business or paid out to shareholders as a dividend. The dividend is restricted to 30% of any surplus.